>> Business Guide Africa > Sino-Africa Trade
In recent years, Chinese goods have emerged as popular items of trade among African counries and Chinese companies are exporting in increasing quantities of a wide variety of products directly to the African markets. As a result, China's trade with Africa has been registering a substantial growth in recent years.
markets in Africa have welcomed the easy availability
of low-priced Chinese goods. Traders and merchants have
also been quick
to seize the opportunity to source their requirements
from China in order to increase their profit margins.
By directly sourcing their requirements for capital and
consumer goods, African businesspeople have cut out the
middlemen and consequently increased their profit margins.
The trend has been repeated in almost all countries across
Africa and the result is clearly visible in almost all
African countries flooded with low-priced Chinese goods.
Whether it is tyres, automobile parts, stationery, perfumes,
cosmetics, computer hardware, furniture or machinery,
China has dominated the African markets.
In 2005, China's export to and import from Africa hit a new record high, of over US$10 billion respectively. The total trade volume reached US$30 billion, an increase of almost 60 per cent over 2003. In fact, China's export to Africa reached over US$14 billion in 2005, and its import from Africa almost US$16 billion!
main products China exports to Africa are machinery and
electronics, textile and apparel, hi-tech products and
finished goods, while imports from Africa concentrate
on crude oil, iron ore, cotton, diamond and other natural
resources and primary goods. To help the countries in
Africa expand exports, China has exempted import tariffs
for certain commodities of these countries. China has
announced the names of 25 African countries that enjoy
zero tariff treatment and special preferential tariff
rate for exports of some 190 products to China, ranging
from food, mineral product and textile, to machinery and
These statistics clearly show the increased trading activity
between Africa and China. Chinese companies, known for
their marketing and business skills, have been reaping
rich dividends by promoting their products and services
in the new and emerging markets of Africa.
In fact, as many as 77 Chinese-funded enterprises in Africa
were established in 2004, with total investment of approximately
US$432 million. Apart from the fast growth of bilateral
trade and investment, China and African countries also
enjoy good cooperation in the international arena. Together
with other developing countries, China and Africa have
maintained close consultation and cooperation in safeguarding
the common interests of the developing countries, and
in pursuit of the establishment of a new international
economic order that is both fair and rational. A successful
example is the formation of G20 during the recent round
of WTO talks in Cancun.
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