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>> Business Guide Africa > Kenya Tourist Attractions

Kenya - Attracting Tourists

Kenya's wildlife attacts global tourists....

K enya has long been recognised as Big Game country, with huge numbers of animals in over 40 National Parks and Reserves and the country has a long and illustrious history of protecting its varied wildlife. All this has helped provide the visitor to Kenya an wide range of experiences in all sorts of terrain. A wildlife safari in Kenya is indeed a magical experince into the 'Kingdom of God'. In fact,
lion_africaKenya has been a focus of attention for its varied wildlife for many years. The country has had its fair share of international publicity too. Adventurous hunters like Teddy Roosevelt and Earnest Hemingway have contributed significantly in promoting Kenya as a popular wildlife destination in Africa.

Popular movies like 'Out of Africa' and 'The Lion King' have also contributed in promoting Kenya's status as the wildlife destination in East Africa. In fact, Kenya has a reputation for being more popular than it should be- numerous minibuses plying in its wildlife parks and the large number of safari lodges dotting safari_africaits countryside are an indication of the commercialisation of Kenya's popular wildlife tourism sector. However, Kenya has been coping extremely well with the hordes of package tourists coming in. To counter this trend many new 'Boutique' lodges have also cropped up, which host only a limited number of guests in an exclusive and remote setting.

All this means that Kenya can cater to every market segment and once you expereince a Kenyan Safari you will know why so many safari-addicts return to Kenya repeatedly. To add to the charm of wildlife, the Kenyan coast is also considered one of the best in Africa with soft, white sands and warm blue waters. Most of Kenya's wildlife parks are also easily reachable from the coast including, Tsavo, Taita Hills and Shimba Hills.

So if you're planning a wildlife safari, Kenya is undoubtedly one of the best countries to offer you a truly 'wild' expereince. Although South Africa has a good tourism infrastructure as compared to Kenya, the experience of a Kenyan wildlife safari somehow appeared more 'real' for me. Right from the local people you meet in the countryside to the local guide acompanying you... a Kenyan safari is somehow offers a much authentic 'flavour' than what one can experience in more developed countries like South Africa. I was also happy to know that my tourism dollars were contributing towards the welfare and development of a developing country in much need of foreign exchange revenues to bolster its economy.

All in all, a Kenya safari can be summed up in two words....'highly recommended!'



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